Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission

Education and training

We aim to prevent discrimination and harassment in the community. To do this, we raise awareness through education and training.

We provide training in Darwin, Alice Springs, Katherine and other locations on request. We can also come to your workplace to deliver a customised course (5-20 participants) that meets your needs. We can tailor training to target managers, staff or contact officers. We can also link training directly to your policies and procedures.

Our courses have been updated to reflect the reforms to the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and will help you to:

  • understand appropriate behaviour
  • establish good workplace policies and procedures
  • understand discrimination law
  • deal appropriately with complaints, and
  • drive positive duty compliance, organisational behaviour and systems change

Anti-Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

Come along if you want to:

  • understand the difference between discrimination, harassment and bullying
  • learn how it applies at work
  • help create more safe and inclusive workplaces.


  • Differences between discrimination, harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation, and what is acceptable behaviour.
  • How to deal with inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.
  • Impact of discrimination on staff well-being and workplace culture.
  • NT Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and the role of the commission.
  • Your rights and responsibilities; support strategies.

Duration: half-day workshop

Preventing Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying for Managers and Supervisors

Come along if you are in a leadership role and want to:

  • develop skills and knowledge about managing complaints about discrimination, harassment and bullying,
  • know what to do if someone complains to you about harassment or sexual harassment,
  • prevent discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace, and
  • learn how to implement or strengthen a positive duty culture in your workplace.

The course can be tailored to senior management, middle management and/or HR staff.


  • Differences between discrimination, harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation, and what is acceptable behaviour.
  • The role and responsibility of the manager or supervisor to create and maintain a positive workplace culture.
  • Managing and taking action against unacceptable behaviour.
  • Vicarious liability of individuals and organisations
  • Building awareness and habits that drive positive duty compliance

Duration: half-day workshop.

Challenging Unconscious Bias workshop

  • Explore diversity, improve inclusivity and tackle stereotypes in the workplace.
  • All humans have a natural preference for people who look like us, sound like us or share our interests. This could be unconsciously impacting on our decision-making in the workplace.
  • Unconscious bias happens at every stage of employment, starting with recruitment.

We can challenge our unconscious bias when we:

  • understand what it is
  • recognise its prevalence in the workplace and
  • learn how to identify, address and reduce its impacts on our actions and decisions.


  • Examining what unconscious bias is and where it comes from.
  • Exploring the impacts of unconscious bias on others.
  • Considering and discussing strategies that may help to reduce and manage unconscious bias.
  • Organisational strategies and organisational cultural change.
  • Benefits of inclusion and diversity.

This is a good workshop for all staff particularly those involved in recruitment. We can tailor it for management.

Duration: half-day workshop.

Contact Officer Role

Come along if you:

  • want to become a contact officer in your workplace, or
  • work in an HR capacity and would like to better understand the role and functions of a contact officer.


Part 1:

  • Differences between discrimination, harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation, and what is acceptable behaviour.
  • Impact of discrimination on staff well-being and workplace culture.
  • NT Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and the role of the commission.
  • The importance of organisational policies and procedures.

Part 2:

  • The role and function of a contact officer.
  • Skills, knowledge and resources to act as a first point of contact in dealing with complaints.
  • Provision of support and information to workers with a grievance.

Duration: full-day workshop.

Contact Officer Refresher

Come along if you:

  • are a contact officer and haven't had training recently, and
  • would like to refresh your contact officer skills.


  • Refresher: functions of a contact officer.
  • Refresher: differences between discrimination, harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation, and what is acceptable behaviour.
  • Contact officer role - skills practice.
  • Skills, knowledge and resources to act as a first point of contact in dealing with complaints.

Duration: half-day workshop.

Trans and Gender Diverse People

Come along if you want to be more inclusive of trans and gender diverse people in your workplace or in service delivery.


  • Biological sex, gender identity and changing language.
  • The NT Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and trans and gender diverse people.
  • Transition: medical and legal; documentation of sex and/or gender; in the workplace; at school.
  • Unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion in workplaces and service delivery.

Duration: half-day workshop.

Positive Duty for Leaders

Positive Duty is a legal obligation introduced into the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 on 2 January 2024. It is a new legal obligation ensuring organisations and businesses take reasonable and proportionate measures to prevent and eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation to the greatest extent possible. Our Territory laws are broader than the federal law, and applies to all twenty four protected attributes in relation to discrimination, in all seven areas where discrimination can occur as well as to sexual harassment and related acts of victimisation.

Come along if you:

  • are in a leadership role in your organisation, and
  • would like to develop and display strong leadership that actively guides positive duty culture to stamp out discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.

The course can be tailored to senior management, middle management and/or HR staff.


  • Positive duty.
  • Minimum standards for compliance with the positive duty.
  • Prevention planning.
  • Principles of complaint handling.
  • Organisational benefits of inclusion, diversity and positive duty culture.
  • NT Anti-Discrimination Act, the role of the Commission, and it’s positive duty investigative powers.

Duration: half-day workshop

Sexual Harassment Bystander Intervention

Not calling out inappropriate jokes or comments can leave the harassers and other bystanders with the impression that the behaviour is tolerated. Bystanders play an important role in preventing and addressing sexual harassment in workplaces.

Come along if you want to:

  • learn how to prevent sexual harassment in the work place by building allies who can intervene, stop and change offending conduct and contribute to cultural change within organisations through action
  • practice skills to address inappropriate behaviours at work
  • support your friends and/or colleagues who are experiencing sexual harassment, and
  • meet positive  duty obligations under both the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1994 (Cth)


  • What is sexual harassment.
  • Drivers of sexual harassment.
  • Impacts of sexual harassment on staff well-being and workplace culture.
  • Barriers to bystander intervention.
  • Bystander role and skills.

We can tailor this workshop specifically for management, HR and anyone dealing with sexual harassment complaints.

Duration: half-day workshop.

Sexual Harassment Bystander Intervention in the legal profession

57% of legal professionals have personally experienced sexual harassment in the legal sector within the last 5 years (Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner Survey, 2019). That is almost twice the incidence recorded by AHRC 2022 survey of all Australian workplaces (33%). We can deliver customised Sexual Harassment Bystander Intervention training for the legal profession to meet your core competency (CD) CPD requirements and learn how to play an important role in preventing and addressing sexual harassment in workplaces.

Come along if you work in the legal profession and want to:

  • learn how to prevent sexual harassment in the work place by building allies who can intervene, stop and change offending conduct and contribute to cultural change within organisations through action,
  • practice skills to address inappropriate behaviours at work,
  • support your friends and/or colleagues who are experiencing sexual harassment,
  • meet your core competency (CD) CPD requirements and,
  • meet positive duty obligations under both the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and the Sex-discrimination Act 1984 (Cth).


  • What is sexual harassment.
  • Drivers of sexual harassment.
  • Sexual harassment in the legal profession.
  • Impacts of sexual harassment on staff well-being and workplace culture.
  • Barriers to bystander intervention.
  • Bystander role and skills.

Duration: half-day workshop.

Contact our office if you want more information about our training or to organise training for your workplace.

Download the brochure for details of courses, dates, times and venues:

Public training Calendar - January - June 2025

To register for training courses, print and fill in the registration form below and email to

Public training registration form PDF (814.8 KB)

Customised training registration form

Customised online training registration form

Cancellation policy PDF (720.7 KB)

Customised training courses (5-20 participants) can also be organised for businesses or organisations that would prefer to have in-house training for their staff. Please see below list of customised training course available. These courses can be tailored to focus on the particular needs of an organisation to heighten the relevance of the training.

  • Anti-Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
  • Challenging Unconscious Bias
  • Contact Officer: Roles and Responsibilities
  • Contact Officer Refresher
  • Positive Duty for Leaders
  • Preventing Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying for Managers and Supervisors
  • Sexual Harassment Bystander Intervention
  • Sexual Harassment Bystander Intervention in the legal profession
  • Trans and Gender Diverse People

View the customised course outlines

For further questions or an obligation-free quote, contact our office at 08 8999 1444 or Free call 1800 813 846.