What’s happening? – 22 December 2023
Anti-Discrimination Law Reforms
On 2 January 2024 the second phase of legislative reforms to the Northern Territory Anti- Discrimination Act 1992 (the ‘NT law’) becomes effective. These reforms enliven substantive amendments to the NT law that were passed by the Legislative Assembly of the NT in November 2022. Importantly, the reforms future-proof the NT legislation with societal expectations that are consistent with similar developments at a Federal level as well as other states such as Victoria.
The first phase of legislative reforms became effective on 3 July 2023. It was socialised through the Anti-Discrimination Commission (the ‘ADC’) website and various info-sessions. Please refer to the ADC website at Phase 1 reforms start | NT Anti-Discrimination Commission for more information on phase one. ADC will be updating the website to reflect changes in the NT law for phase two within the first quarter of 2024.
The second phase introduces a new legal duty called Positive Duty and a new complaints mechanism called the Representative Complaints process. The reforms confer new functions and powers to the ADC.
Read full media release